Written by Emtiyaz, CS, UBC.
Last updated: Feb. 08, 2011.
Description: This matlab code can be used to reproduce the results of our AISTATS 2012 paper for
Download: ExptAISTATS2012.zip
System requirements and dependencies: The code works fine on
MATLAB 2010a and higher versions. .
How to use the code:
Download and install CatLGM and datasets if you need to run experiments on the data. The following will plot all the figures in the paper.
> addpath(genpath(pwd));
> plotExptAISTATS2012;
See file description below for more experiment files.
Description of files:
- config.m is the configuration file for experiments.
- exptMultiClassGP.m for Fig. 2 in the paper.
- exptAISTATS2012.m for Fig. 1 and 3 in the paper.
- getDataAISTATS2012.m read data.
- plotExptAISTATS2012.m plots all the figures in the paper.
- resultsMatFiles/ contains mat files for plotting.