Written by Emtiyaz, CS, UBC.
Last updated: Dec. 03, 2010.
Description: This matlab code fits a factor analysis model for mixed
continuous and discrete dataset using an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm.
The method is based on variational bounds
described in our NIPS 2010 paper.
This code can be used for latent-factor inference, parameter learning, and missing-value imputation.
This implementation handles missing-values in data.
Download: 2010-NIPS-FA-code.zip
System requirements and dependencies: The code works fine on
MATLAB 7.4 (2007a) and higher versions. We use some functions from Tom Minka’s
lightspeed toolbox for matrix-inversion
and matrix-determinant (included in the zip file), but can be replaced by other equivalent functions.
How to use the code:
Download and unzip the code. Inside MATLAB, execute the following commands:
> cd 2010-NIPS-FA-code;
> addpath(genpath(pwd));
> demoFA;
See demoFA.m for usage of various functions.
Description of files:
- demoFA.m runs the demo on Auto-mpg dataset.
- initMixedDataFA.m initializes the parameters.
- inferMixedDataFA.m is the inference file
(use inferMixedDataFA_missing.m if data contains missing values).
- maxParamsMixedDataFA.m is the parameter-maximization file.
- learnEM.m runs EM algorithm given the above three functions.
- Directory FA contains the corresponding files for
continuous data FA, although mixedDataFA code handles only continuous
(and only discrete) case as well.
Example: The example file ’demoFA’ runs the mixedDataFA code on